Eli Podcast Productions

Your Voice, Your Podcast, Elevated


At Eli Podcast Productions, we take pride in helping creators bring their podcasting visions to life. Don't just take our word ​for it – here's what some of our clients have to say about their experience working with us.

Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman

Prism of Torah Podcast and Book

“Working with Eli Podcast Productions has been a game-changer for Prism of ​Torah. Eli's expertise transformed my simple voice files into a professional, ​engaging podcast that has significantly grown my listenership. Beyond just ​getting a podcast, I received a stunning website, an amazing intro, and a ​major upgrade in sound quality. Eli's dedication to continuously optimizing ​the podcast has exceeded my expectations”

Eli was involved from the beginning, creating the website and podcast, and ​ensuring the archive is always up-to-date. He also assisted with the production ​of Reb Asaf's book, which is based on the podcast.


Emes of Torah Podcast

“Working with Eli Podcasts has been an absolute pleasure. He has been ​professional and accommodating and has gone above and beyond what I ​expected. I highly recommend working with him for your podcast."

Eli set up the Emes of Torah podcast website, created the series-style podcast, ​and established the Patreon site.

Ariel Melamed

Author "The King's Operator"

"Eli's professional touch transformed my book just a ​month before printing. He produced a stunning cover ​image, eye-grabbing copy, and a sharp introduction. ​Eli is easy to work with, full of fresh ideas, and ​genuinely interested in spreading Torah l'shem ​shamayim. I highly recommend him."

Eli was involved with producing the book, graphics, ​layout, and other ideas to help bring "The King's ​Operator" to life.

Yekuseil Shadowitz

Author "Omek Haparsha"

"Eli really helped me on my project from start to ​finish. He always has great ideas and is so ​knowledgeable."

Eli was instrumental in getting "Omek Haparsha" off the ​ground and into production.

YIshai Prisman

Founder of Olam Handalan

"Collaborating with Eli Podcast Productions has been ​a game-changer for Olam Handalan. Eli's expertise ​and deep understanding of our mission have helped ​us reach a wider audience and make a greater impact. ​His creativity and commitment to excellence have ​elevated our content.”

EPP set up the Olam Handalan website for Yishai's ​property company in both English and Hebrew.